Learning at Whitelands Academy

One of the keys to delivering a high standard of education to all students is a well-rounded curriculum. At Whitelands Academy, we are designing a comprehensive curriculum that incorporates an array of subjects. Within each subject, a variety of topics will be covered, ensuring that each child gains an in-depth understanding of the subject.

Each lesson will be conducted by one of our exceptional teachers, and a wide range of learning resources are used to create an exciting learning experience. We understand that children learn best when they are engaged, and we are making every effort to design lessons that capture their imagination.

To find out more about the national curriculum, follow the link below.



There is a national curriculum set for each subject and each year group that ensures children at Whitelands Academy get the best education possible.

Currently, we are designing our unique curriculum that remains within the parameters set by the national curriculum, but is perfectly suited to our school, our facilities, and our students. We will share our full Key Stage 3 Curriculum overview on this page in November 2022.

Curriculum Vision

Whitelands’ curriculum embraces everything the students experience at school. Our fundamental aim is to meet the individual needs of all students across the full ability range by delivering a differentiated and supported curriculum that sets high expectations, encourages active learning, delivers academic success, and builds self-worth.

More specifically, the chief aims of the education provided by lessons, extended work, and curriculum enrichment activities are as follows:

  • To help all students achieve their full potential in all areas of learning and experience through a broad and balanced curriculum that is differentiated according to the varying ability and motivational needs of the students.
  • To help all students secure the maximum possible success in public examinations.
  • To help students develop a wide range of mental attributes that will advantage them in their chosen career and aid them in the development of their learning throughout their lives.
  • To help students acquire a wide range of physical and practical skills and to help them utilise those skills in a variety of different contexts.
  • To engender in students a love of learning, helping them to recognise the pleasure and enjoyment that can be gained from the acquisition of new knowledge and understanding and the development of new skills.
  • To help students develop such qualities of character and personality as will help them to take their place as active citizens in a pluralistic, multicultural, democratic society.
  • To help students develop an awareness of moral values, to recognise the existence of moral values other than their own, and to respect the moral values implicit in the ethos of the school.
  • To help students acquire knowledge and skills that will contribute to their development as mature adults, helping to prepare them for their future lives at home, at work, at leisure, and in continuing education.
  • To create a curriculum that allows for progression and continuity within and between key stages and which is coherently implemented and organised.
  • To facilitate equality of access to the curriculum for all students.
  • To teach the curriculum through a wide variety of teaching styles and through the creation of learning situations appropriate to the needs of the students.
  • To create an environment that is conducive to learning, where students feel free to adopt a positive attitude toward their education, and where all forms of success and achievement are recognised and celebrated.

Updated: 09/08/2023 1.08 MB